Monday, March 23, 2009

My hero wears combat boots!

This post is dedicated to my husband. He is in the USMC, and because of the conflict of being too busy, or no access to a computer, he has not even seen our blog yet! I just wanted to take a minute to blog about everything he goes through on a day to day basis, so I too stop forgetting! If I don't stop and think about the fact that he didn't choose not to see me for six months, I find myself getting mad at him. :( I also still cannot believe with everything we see on the news and in the papers that so many men are willing to give up their "real" lives still to serve our country. On Gabes boot camp graduation day there was somewhere around 600 new graduating Marines, and that is almost a weekly occurence. Ok, anyway on to the lives they live! He doesn't make any choices for himself, and we thought that would end after boot camp. He has to sign out, and have someone leave with him if he just wants to go somewhere to grab something to eat. Keep in mind, this is on a Military base, he is not even asking to go out in town. He is in school 8-10 hours a day, learing everything from survival techiniques, to skills that are unique to his job. He is Aviation Ordnance. We got married on January 24th, and left each other the 25th. I have not see him since then. He has been shuffled from California, to Florida, to North Carolina. He will be deployed, the way the world is going, if they are in the service there is no point in even sitting around thinking that is might not happen to your Marine, soldier, ect, its going to happen! He has done exceptionally well though, he is moving up to Lance Corporal in May, he started out as they all do, a Private, so he has moved up rank twice in less than a year! I just wanted to post this to let Gabe know (when he does finally see our blog) how proud of him I am, and how much I love him, and to say sorry that you have to deal with my moods when I blame you for things you cannot change! I will always support you!!


  1. Wow Katie!!! It must really be hard for you having to go so long without seeing your hubby! You must be so strong. It was fun to get to see some pics of him and to hear exactly what it is that he is doing. I also love the pics you posted of Eden in her Spring dress! I can totally see so much of you in her. She is a doll! Well good luck with everything and keep hanging in there. It will be so worth it in the end when you are finally able to be with Gabe again!

  2. Thanks! Its always good to know that there is someone else out there going through the same thing you are! I'm glad you found me though. I haven't seen or talked to you in ages! Your daughter is adorable too. I am so ready to start a family, but I still have one more semester of school left and then I am done for good!!!

  3. I definitely understand where you are coming from. James and I spent about five days together after we got married and then he was sent to Iraq the first 9 months of our marriage. I would like to say it gets easier but I would be lying. ha Just hang in there!

  4. Hey! It was good to see you! I should've got your number when I saw you! Let me know if there's ever anything I can do for you, it would be hard being away from family, so consider us that. Seriously don't hesitate at all if you ever need a sitter or anything at all, ok!? Call me! 467-1128.
